

Date Subject View
07-12-2024 CEN 03/2024 : Notice on City Information Slip and Helpdesk for CBT-I. (Hindi) 142.9 KB
07-12-2024 CEN 03/2024 : Notice on City Information Slip and Helpdesk for CBT-I. (English) 139.48 KB
06-12-2024 CEN 03/2024 : Link for City Intimation Slip / E-Call Letter of CBT-I.
05-12-2024 CEN 01/2024 : Notice on Viewing of CBT-I Question Papers, Responses and keys & Raising of Objections if any to Questions/Options/Keys.
Link to view CBT-I Question Papers, Responses, keys and Objection Tracker.
960.57 KB
05-12-2024 CEN 01/2024 : CBT-I Objection Guide. 530.02 KB
03-12-2024 CEN 03/2024 : Click here for Mock Test of CBT-I.
30-11-2024 Important notice for candidates appearing in RRB Exams. 661.01 KB
30-11-2024 CEN RPF 01/2024 : Link for City Intimation Slip / E-Call Letter of CBT.
28-11-2024 CEN RPF 01/2024 : Notice for Candidates from Lakshadweep who have applied for CEN No. RPF 01/2024 (Sub-inspector). 141.56 KB
28-11-2024 CEN 01/2024 : Notice on reschedule of CBT-I at Prayagraj. 526.75 KB
27-11-2024 CEN 01/2024 : Notice on rescheduled of CBT-I of 25.11.2024 (shift-2) at venue code 8696 at Arrah. 533.91 KB
25-11-2024 Important notice regarding malpractices in examinations conducted by the RRBs. (Hindi) 304.84 KB
25-11-2024 Important notice regarding malpractices in examinations conducted by the RRBs. (English) 289.26 KB
25-11-2024 CEN 02/2024 : Notice on application status. (Hindi) 718.83 KB
25-11-2024 CEN 02/2024 : Notice on application status. (English) 621.81 KB
25-11-2024 CEN RPF 01/2024 : Important instructions for SC/ST candidates for availing Free Travel Authority Pass for exam. (Hindi) 286.29 KB
25-11-2024 CEN RPF 01/2024 : Important instructions for SC/ST candidates for availing Free Travel Authority Pass for exam. (English) 243 KB
24-11-2024 CEN RPF 01/2024 : Link for City Intimation Slip / E-Call Letter of CBT.
22-11-2024 CEN 04/2024 : Notice on application status. (Hindi) 784.62 KB
22-11-2024 CEN 04/2024 : Notice on application status. 515.31 KB