
Results & Cutoffs

Date Subject View
06-03-2025 CEN RPF 01/2024 : Corrigendum 1 to CBT result & cut-off marks of female candidates for the post of Sub-Inspector.    308.5 KB
05-03-2025 CEN 03/2024 : Results and Cut Off Marks of 1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT-I).   
Click here to view score card of CBT-I.
462.42 KB
03-03-2025 CEN RPF 01/2024 : Result of Computer Based Test for PET/PMT.    493.01 KB
03-03-2025 CEN RPF 01/2024 : Cut off marks of CBT for PET/PMT.    82.33 KB
26-02-2025 CEN 01/2024 : Result and Cut off marks of 1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT-I).    1417.54 KB
22-06-2024 CEN 01/2019 : Schedule of 8th Additional Document Verification (Replacement) for the posts in Level 5. 628.25 KB
01-05-2024 CEN 01/2019 : Schedule of 6th Additional Document Verification (Replacement) for the posts in Level 5.. 713.81 KB
18-04-2024 CEN 01/2019 : Schedule of 5th Additional Document Verification (Replacement) for the posts in Level 5. 205.1 KB
13-10-2023 CEN 01/2019 : Cut-off marks of the candidates empanelled for the post of Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk in Level 3. 223.67 KB
10-05-2023 CEN 01/2019 :  CEN 01/2019 : Cut-off marks of the candidates empanelled for various posts in Level 6, 5 & 2. 212.61 KB
24-02-2023 CEN 01/2019 : 4th Provisional Panels for various posts in Level 5. 169.04 KB
24-02-2023 CEN 01/2019 : Schedule of 5th round Document Verification for various posts in Level 5. 222.2 KB
24-02-2023 CEN 01/2019 : Schedule of 2nd round Document Verification for the post in Level 3. 232.03 KB
24-02-2023 CEN 01/2019 : Schedule of Document Verification for various posts in Level 2. 244.5 KB
15-02-2023 CEN 01/2019 : List of candidates shortlisted for Document Verification for various posts in Pay Level 2. 219.28 KB
19-01-2023 CEN 01/2019 : Shortlisted Candidates for Document Verification for the post in Level 3. 212.75 KB
13-01-2023 CEN 01/2019 : Provisional 2nd part panel for Level-5 posts 143.61 KB
22-12-2022 CEN RRC 01/2019 : List of candidates shortlisted for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) ECoR 359.29 KB
22-12-2022 CEN RRC 01/2019 : Cut Off Marks for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) for Level-1 posts. 434.07 KB
22-12-2022 CEN RRC 01/2019 : Notice on Result of Candidates shortlisted for Physical Efficiency test (PET). 178.99 KB
20-12-2022 CEN 01/2019 : List of additional candidates for Document Verification for various posts in Level 5. 285.23 KB
16-11-2022 CEN 01/2019 : List of 2nd additional candidates for Document Verification for Station Master (Cat. 2). 288.59 KB
15-11-2022 CEN 01/2019 : Cut-off marks of Document Verification for various posts in Level 5. 435.79 KB
15-11-2022 CEN 01/2019 : Shortlist of Candidates for Document Verification for various posts in Level 5. 206.45 KB
02-11-2022 CEN 01/2019 : Click here to view the result of Typing Skill Test.
07-09-2022 CEN 01/2019 : Cut-off Marks of Document Verification for various posts of Pay Level 6. 147.98 KB
07-09-2022 CEN 01/2019 : List of candidates shortlisted for Document Verification for various Posts in Pay Level - 6. 172.24 KB
18-07-2022 CEN 01/2019 : Score Card link for CBT 2 Results of CEN -01/2019 ( Non Technical Popular Category)
08-06-2022 CEN 01/2019 : List of Candidates shortlisted for Computer Based Aptitude Test and Cutoff Marks for the post of Station Master (Cat. No. 2). 297.1 KB
28-04-2022 CEN 03/2019 : List of Candidates Shortlisted for Document Verification. 177.65 KB
28-04-2022 CEN 03/2019 : Cut Off Marks for Document Verification. 179.71 KB
28-04-2022 CEN 03/2019 : Click Here for Final Score Card.
30-03-2022 CEN 01/2019 : Candidates shortlisted for Level 2 exam of CBT 2. 484.24 KB
30-03-2022 CEN 01/2019 : Link to view score card of CEN-01/2019(NTPC) and Eligibility for CBT-2
30-03-2022 CEN 01/2019 : Candidates shortlisted for Level 3 exam of CBT 2 484.02 KB
30-03-2022 CEN 01/2019 : Candidates shortlisted for Level 5 exam of CBT-2 565.6 KB
30-03-2022 CEN 01/2019 : Candidates shortlisted for Level-6 exam of CBT-2 NTPC 481.69 KB
30-03-2022 CEN 01/2019 : CBT-1 Cut Off marks for the Candidates Shortlisted for CBT-2 129.41 KB
15-01-2022 CEN 01/2019 : Click here to view individual mark, questions and responses of 1st stage CBT.
14-01-2022 CEN 01/2019 : Cut-off marks of 1st Stage CBT for the candidates shortlisted for 2nd Stage CBT. 350.16 KB
14-01-2022 CEN 01/2019 : Results of CBT-I : Shortlisting of candidates for 2nd Stage Computer Based Test (CBT). 2768.6 KB
14-09-2021 CEN 03/2019 : List of Candidates Shortlisted for Stenography Skill Test and Translation Test. 235.02 KB
14-09-2021 CEN 03/2019 : Cutoff Marks for the candidates shortlisted for Stenography Skill Test & Translation Test. 168.46 KB
14-09-2021 CEN 03/2019 : Click here to view individual result/score card and question paper with final answer key of Jr. Stenographer (English) and Jr. Translator (Hindi). (The link will be live from 18.00 hrs. of 14.09.2021.)